“Dhofari Lady Singing”

10 x 14.9 cm



This painting is another one I made from pictures taken at the Muscat Festival. The ladies of the Dhofar region usually have a line of shops all together where they sell items unique to that region. Dhofar is the greenest part of Oman and where the frankincense trees grow. Every one of these shops at the festival had that to sell and more. The title of this piece is actually a little joke. When my watercolor teacher saw it he said, “Oh, she’s singing,” and I didn’t correct him. Actually she is yelling at a woman in another shop who made her angry. She was really giving that woman the “what for.” I couldn’t help but snap the shot. I though the title “Dhofari Lady Yelling Her Head Off” maybe wasn’t too flattering. So thanks to my Sudanese teacher, she’s singing.